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Kristina Kramar

Pregnancy, the good, the bad and the ugly

I want to start by saying, that even though I was pregnant not even three months ago, I don't remember this time very vividly, so take it with a grain of salt. My initial thought was to write about this time of my life in greater detail, maybe even divide it into the 3 trimesters, but I decided to grasp it from a different angle. Let's call it reader friendly.

~Here's my 10 pregnancy amendments~

  1. Morning sickness is a bitch that usually goes on for the entirety of your day not just the morning. Also, it may not end during your 1st trimester. I know it didn't for me. How do you get rid of it? You don't. Try ginger - it caused me heartburn and now I'm nauseated by the ginger candy i used to eat. You can buy anti nausea lollies. Do they work you might ask? Not in the slightest. Does vomiting help with your nausea? Not even a little, so don't try to cause it, because it will eventually come on its own and you will regret making yourself sick. Eat. Even though your stomach is not going to hold it in for too long, the baby needs it and so do you. You will feel worse if you are hungry.

  2. Peeing yourself during pregnancy or after you give birth is not OK but it is completely normal and inevitably will happen to all of us. Don't be ashamed of it just seek some physiotherapy during or after.

  3. If you start feeling like you are incapable or incompetent it's not true. You are growing a whole ass human, although who am I to give this advice. I felt like an idiot most of the time. How come I'm so tired or how come I'm unable to attend school because of all the nausea? And then, later on, how come I can't move the way i used to? Why can't I climb a wall anymore or why do I struggle getting up the stairs?

  4. Water is your friend. Use it to your advantage. Floating in the sea or lake almost feels like you are you again. Just don't make the mistake of jumping in, because it takes way longer to get back on the surface and you may or may not swallow some water during this process. And it goes without saying that you should drink a lot to stay hydrated. If it tastes bad during your sickness try tea or something sweet.

  5. Enjoy it if your body allows it. Take the vacation and cut yourself some slack. Don't apologise for not being able to be your old self, you are in a way a completely different person.

  6. Your friend group might change. Maybe you won't feel as close to your old friends anymore and that's okay, but try to make an effort. It's good to have an anchor to your old life in a way. They don't have to get all of it, but without them you would probably feel lonely.

  7. If you ever lost a child you will probably be afraid for the entirety of your pregnancy. Or at least before the appointments. Trust the doctors when they say everything is okay. The loss was never your fault (almost never) so don't blame yourself.

  8. If for any reason you need to take blood thinning or thickening shots, the 1st prick is always the worst. It will get better and it won't always be so scary. Your skin will only feel like a skin of an elephant for that 1st time. It's easier to do them by yourself, even though it might be tempting to get them done by someone else.

  9. Fitting into your old clothes is a struggle so just buy some new ones. You can always sell them or donate them, but even postpartum, you'll be happy to have gotten them.

  10. Pregnancy will change you. Let it be a good change. Into a loving, nurturing and mature person. Don't dwell on your old life. The new one is going to be super great.


I'm not sure if I have any more tips. It was hard, but the brain of a pregnant person is pure magic. It will shine a bright light on this whole experience. And if not, you will simply forget it. For me it already seems like a very blurry memory. It's truly fascinating and weird. Also, this goes to all the people who have the need to comment on the belly and body size: just don't. No-one needs to hear this. Even if you think it's flattering to tell someone they have a small belly, it is not. There were times I was afraid my baby wasn't growing properly just because of all these comments. Also, telling pregnant women to eat less because it will be hard to "bounce back" is an utter bullshit. It all comes down to your genes and age and so much more. Because trust me, I ate a lot and still got comments on how small I was. And in no circumstances tell these women how lucky they are that they puked for so long because thanks to that, they only gained the bare minimum of pregnancy weight. Its sick! You never know what the person is going through and throwing up is never okay.

~Being preggo is huge and so are you:)~

As you can see, this left quite a prominent mark in my memory, but the unsolicited advice is really not needed. (I know I'm just giving it, but I consider it a little different since you don't have to read this blog) We don't want to hear how bad it's gonna get when you're in the mids of something horrible already.


It does sound a little brutal, but it's not all that bad. Those little kicks are very nice. So is looking at your partner fall in love with you and the baby. Also it is very badass to grow a new little human from scratch. And it's all so worth it when they are born. The smell and then the little smiles. AND THEN THE BIG SMILES and laughs. Its so beautiful. There is no greater love than the one for your child and for your partner who loves your child so dearly. And for these things I would be willing to go through it again - and my mum brain is helping with it a lot by making me forget all the bad:)

Kika x


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